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Welcome To Royal Russells LLC
Small Epic Kennel. Small European Dogs.
Located in Broken Bow, OK USA
What Makes Our European Russell Terrier Puppies So Great
BioSensor Program & Rule of 7

Polinka & Anubis


Nothing makes us happier than seeing our puppies become much loved family members whose only competitive event may be a race to see who gets to the back door first!

Our first priority is that of our sire & dam combination of perfected bloodlines. We strive for proven longevity, possessing wonderful European calm temperaments and researching their ancestors for genetically linked diseases.

When the timing is right, our puppies venture out to discover the greater outdoors. Mountain Fork Lower River, Broken Bow Lake and Beavers Bend Resort State Park await them. The litter experiences a variety of stimulus, ranging from tactile surfaces, strangers of all ages, children and restricted dogs. Puppies go home with a written health guarantee after being vaccinated, microchipped, and examined by our veterinarian.

We have adopted the BioSensor program to help our puppies get a jump start on life. The following article explains how this method has been so beneficial. This method is an asset to our breeding program but in no way replaces the daily handling and socialization we feel is essential to ensure confidence and prepare them for their forever homes!

Developing High Achievers by Dr Carmen Battaglia

The U.S. Military in their canine program developed a method that still serves as a guide to what works. In an effort to improve the performance of dogs used for military purposes, a program called "Bio Sensor" was developed. Later, it became known to the public as the "Super Dog" Program. Based on years of research, the military learned that early neurological stimulation exercises could have important and lasting effects. Their studies confirmed that there are specific time periods early in life when neurological stimulation has optimum results.

The first period involves a window of time that begins at the third day of life and lasts until the sixteenth day. It is believed that this interval of time is a period of rapid neurological growth and development, and therefore is of great importance to the individual.

The "Bio Sensor" program was also concerned with early neurological stimulation in order to give the dog a superior advantage. Its development utilized six exercises, which were designed to stimulate the neurological system. Each workout involved handling puppies once each day. The workouts required handling them one at a time while performing a series of five exercises. Listed in no order of preference the handler starts with one pup and stimulates it using each of the five exercises. The handler completes the series from beginning to end before starting with the next pup. The handling of each pup once per day involves the following exercises:

1. Tactile stimulation - holding the pup in one hand, the handler gently stimulates (tickles) the pup between the toes on any one foot using a Q-tip. It is not necessary to see that the pup is feeling the tickle. Time of stimulation 3 - 5 seconds.
2. Head held erect - using both hands, the pup is held perpendicular to the ground, (straight up), so that its head is directly above its tail. This is an upward position. Time of stimulation 3 - 5 seconds
3. Head pointed down - holding the pup firmly with both hands the head is reversed and is pointed downward so that it is pointing towards the ground. Time of stimulation 3 - 5 seconds
4. Supine position - hold the pup so that its back is resting in the palm of both hands with its muzzle facing the ceiling. The pup while on its back is allowed to sleep struggle. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.
5. Thermal stimulation - use a damp towel that has been cooled in a refrigerator for at least five minutes. Place the pup on the towel, feet down. Do not restrain it from moving. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.

These five exercises will produce neurological stimulations, none of which naturally occur during this early period of life. Experience shows that while sometimes pups will resist these exercises, others will appear unconcerned. In either case a caution is offered to those who plan to use them. Do not repeat them more than once per day and do not extend the time beyond that recommended for each exercise. Over stimulation of the neurological system can have adverse and detrimental results.

These exercises impact the neurological system by kicking it into action earlier than would be normally expected. The result being an increased capacity that later will help to make the difference in its performance. Those who play with their pups and routinely handle them should continue to do so because the neurological exercises are not substitutions for routine handling, play socialization or bonding.

Five benefits have been observed in canines that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:

1. Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)
2. Stronger heart beats,
3. Stronger adrenal glands,
4. More tolerance to stress
5. Greater resistance to disease


In tests of learning, stimulated pups were found to be more active and were more exploratory than their non- stimulated littermates over which they were dominant in competitive situations.


Dr. Carmen Battaglia created the Rule of 7’s as a guide to increase a puppy’s exposure.  Ensure your puppy is current on all shots before taking him out to a strange area.  By the time a puppy is 3 months old, make sure he has:

*Been on 7 different types of surfaces:  carpet, tile, linoleum, concrete, wood, vinyl, grass, dirt, gravel, and wood chips.

*Played with 7 different types of objects:  rope toys, plush toys, big balls, small balls, soft fabric toys, squeaky toys, paper or cardboard items, metal items, and sticks.

*Been in 7 different locations:  front & back yard, basement, kitchen, car, garage, laundry room, bathroom, kids room, living room, hallway, Vet’s office, groomers.

*Met and played with 7 new people:  include children and older adults, someone walking with a cane or in a wheelchair or walker, someone tall, someone in a hat.

*Been exposed to 7 challenges:  climb on a box, go through a tunnel, climb steps, go down steps, climb over obstacles, play hide and seek, go in and out of a doorway with a step up or down, run around a fence.

*Eaten from 7 different containers:  metal, plastic, cardboard, paper, human hands, pie plate, tin pan, frying pan, Frisbee, elevated bowl.

*Eaten in 7 different locations:  crate, yard, exercise pen, basement, laundry room, living room, bathroom, back yard.

*Each new, positive experience will help your puppy flourish into a confident companion.  Allow your puppy to learn passively by letting them to explore on their own, but make sure he is 100% supervised and that it is a controlled environment.  Do not use any harsh training methods with a puppy, because you will break the bond of trust. Training should be fair and fun. 

Much like ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) the Rule of 7 introduces puppies to small stressors that will help boost confidence, social behavior as well as train-ability.

The rule of 7 works, beginning at 4 weeks of age, by introducing our puppies to 7 new things they hadn’t had a lot of contact with before. About four days later we change these to 7 new items. By the time you pick up your European Yashau Creek JRT puppy, they have been introduced to 49 different/new experiences/changes.  When your puppy goes home they can be ready to confidently trek across carpet, tile or wood floors. They are eager to play with balls, squeaky toys and chase sticks. Then it is time to begin work on obedience.

Choose a number (1-7) from each Category (A-G). The litter gets introduced to these 7 things for the next 4 days. On the 5th day we choose a different number (1-7) from each category (A-G) This litter gets introduced to these 7 things for the next 4 days and so on. We document the start date on each choice. We cross off the ones chosen on the last day so we don’t repeat. By the time our puppies are 8 weeks old they will have been introduced to several new objects and areas. This technique dramatically improves their ability to cope with stress, socializing, and their over all train-ability.

Different Types of Surfaces:

*Hard Wood Floor

*Vinyl, or linoleum flooring

*Fake Grass

*Real Grass

*Dirt or Sand or Gravel


*Tile, or stone, concrete



Assorted Stimulation Toys:


*Different sized balls

*Squeaky toys

*Hard plastic/ rubber or metal items

*Soft fabric toys

*Natural items, sticks

*Water, pools (weather permitting)



We hope to encourage those who purchase our European Russell Terrier puppies to continue to introduce them to new objects and situations on a regular basis. This process is important for socialization as well as keeping them happy, confident, stimulated and helps them explore their world in a safe prepared way.


Raising European Russell Terriers is our greatest reward.

Breeding European Russell Terriers remains our greatest responsibility.

 Website Updated: 1-4-2025


Billy Johnson Jr :)




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